About the Booster organization
The Mauldin Middle School Band Booster organization is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. (EIN 57-1108631)
If you have a student in the MMS Band, you are a member of the booster organization!
We have three booster meetings each year:
Parent meeting at the beginning of the year
Immediately before the Winter Concert
Immediately before the Spring Concert
The purpose of the Mauldin Middle School Band Boosters organization is to:
Support a community of 250 students (and two directors) to ensure that the directors can focus on teaching, and students can focus on learning and performing.
Ensure that every student who participates in band at Mauldin Middle School can engage fully in the activities of the band program.
Strive to foster an environment where all students have multiple opportunities to showcase the results of their hard work, and to celebrate their successes.
Booster projects include:
Provide binder kits at the beginning of the school year, to ease the burden on parents to gather necessary supplies, and to ensure students have what they need to be engaged on day one.
Organize multiple traveling performance events per year, including Concert Performance Assessment, Carowinds Festival of Music, Festival Disney, and recruiting trips to elementary schools.
Organize the ordering and distribution of performance uniforms and spirit wear
Provide administrative support, and organize volunteers
Fundraising activities (Walk-a-thon, Cheesecakes, Conductor's Circle, etc) to support the expenses of the band program, which includes:
Instrument purchase and repair
Sheet music
Registration and travel expenses for Concert Performance Assessment
Need-based grants
Registration and travel expenses for director professional development
Equipment and technology
Administrative expenses required to maintain 501(c)(3) status